
еНаука >  Резултати >  Application of thermal analysis for the investigation of reaction of ammonium nitratye melt with solid zinc oxide
Назив Application of thermal analysis for the investigation of reaction of ammonium nitratye melt with solid zinc oxide
Аутори: Rasulić G; Jovanovic S.; Milanović Lj; Petrović Dragoslav; Lukić Svetlana  
Година: 1989
Публикација: Proceeding of 9th International congress on thermal analysis, 9th International congress on thermal analysis, 1989
Тип резултата: Конференцијски рад
Колација: str. 311-318
URI: https://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/record.jsf?recordId=26393&source=eNauka&language=en
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