
eNauka >  Rezultati >  The Interpretation of the Law Rather than the Law Itself, is What Matters Most in Asylum Cases – How to Improve the Roles of European Courts in the Interpretation and Application of the Asylum Law
Naziv: The Interpretation of the Law Rather than the Law Itself, is What Matters Most in Asylum Cases – How to Improve the Roles of European Courts in the Interpretation and Application of the Asylum Law
Autori: Ćorić, Vesna  ; Knežević Bojović, Ana  ; Matijević, Milica  
Godina: 2017
Publikacija: Third International Academic Conference on Human Security
Izdavač: Belgrade : University of Belgrade – Faculty of Security Studies; Human Research Center
Tip rezultata: Konferencijski rad
ISBN: 978-86-80144-09-2 Pretraži identifikator
978-86-80144-09-2 Pretraži identifikator
Kolacija: str. 81-91
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