
еНаука >  Резултати >  A new political image of the republic of Serbia within the frameworks of regional cooperation in southeast Europe
Назив: A new political image of the republic of Serbia within the frameworks of regional cooperation in southeast Europe
Аутори: Đukanović, Dragan  ; Zirojević, Mina  ; Gajić, Dejan
Година: 2013
Публикација: Challenges of the 21st Century and the Region : [proceedings of the round table conference, 11 September 2012, Belgrade]
A new political image of the republic of Serbia within the frameworks of regional cooperation in southeast Europe
Издавач: Institute of International Politics and Economics
Тип резултата: Поглавље у монографији
ISBN: 978-86-7067-190-4 Претражи идентификатор
URI: http://ricl.iup.rs/1410/
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