
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Suicides in Serbia during and after the time of conflicts and in the transition period of the early 21st century
Naziv Suicides in Serbia during and after the time of conflicts and in the transition period of the early 21st century
Autori: Penev, Goran ; Stanković, Biljana  
Ostala autorstva: Janeska, Verica; Lozanoska, Aleksandra
Godina: 2017
Publikacija: La population des Balkans à l’aube du XXième siecle = The population of the Balkans at the dawn of the 21st century
Suicides in Serbia during and after the time of conflicts and in the transition period of the early 21st century
Izdavač: Institut économique Université Saints-Cyrille-et-Méthode de Skopje / Institute of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Tip rezultata: Poglavlje u monografiji
ISBN: 978-608-4519-19-5 Pretraži identifikator
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