
еНаука >  Резултати >  Political Relations Between Germany and the United States During the Trump Presidency
Назив: Political Relations Between Germany and the United States During the Trump Presidency
Аутори: Petrović, Miloš  
Остала ауторства: Zakić, Katarina; Demirtaş, Birgül
Година: 2021
Публикација: Europe in changes: The old continent at a new crossroads
Издавач: Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade; Faculty of Security Studies at the University of Belgrade
Тип резултата: Поглавље у монографији
ISBN: 978-86-7067-282-6 Претражи идентификатор
Колација: str. 267-288
DOI: 10.18485/iipe_euchanges.2021.ch13
URI: http://repozitorijum.diplomacy.bg.ac.rs/781/
URL: http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/pdf/eb_book/2021/iipe_euchanges/iipe_euchanges-2021-ch13.pdf
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