
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Analysis of the political aspects of the European integrations: perspectives for Balkan countries
Naziv: Analysis of the political aspects of the European integrations: perspectives for Balkan countries
Autori: Đurić, Đuro  ; Vasiljević, Miloš
Ostala autorstva: Teixeira, Paulino; Duarte, Antonio Portugal; Redžepagić, Srđan; Erić, Dejan; Andrejević, Saša
Godina: 2012
Publikacija: European integration process in Western Balkan countries
Analysis of the political aspects of the European integrations: perspectives for Balkan countries
Izdavač: Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra
Tip rezultata: Poglavlje u monografiji
ISBN: 978-972-9344-05-3 Pretraži identifikator
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