
еНаука >  Резултати >  The Army of Principality of Serbia in the plans of National Liberation and Unification in the mid-19th Century
Назив: The Army of Principality of Serbia in the plans of National Liberation and Unification in the mid-19th Century
Аутори: Popović, Radomir J.  
Остала ауторства: Rastović, Aleksandar P.
Година: 2020
Публикација: War, Peace and Nation-Building (1853–1918)
The Army of Principality of Serbia in the plans of National Liberation and Unification in the mid-19th Century
Издавач: Sapienza University of Rome, Istorijski institut
Тип резултата: Поглавље у монографији
ISBN: 978–86–7743–140–2 ИСБН није валидан Претражи идентификатор
DOI 10.34298/97886774314002.08
URI: http://rih.iib.ac.rs/242/
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