
eNauka >  Results >  Production of enzymes by a new strain Streptomyces fluvissimus CKS7 using agricultural by-products
Title: Production of enzymes by a new strain Streptomyces fluvissimus CKS7 using agricultural by-products
Authors: Mihajlovski, Katarina  ; Milić, Marija  ; Dimitrijević-Branković, Suzana  
Issue Date: 2018
Publication: Book of abstracts / 25th Congress of the society of chemists and technologists of Macedonia (with international participation) 19-22 September 2018 Ohrid, R. Macedonia, Metropol Lake Resort
Publisher: Skopje : Society of chemists and technologists of Macedonia
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 978-9989-760-16-7 Search Idenfier
Collation: str. 200
Project: Примена биотехнолошких метода у одрживом искоришћењу нус-производа агроиндустрије
Metadata source: Migracija
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