
eNauka >  Results >  Multilocular cystic thymoma - a case report_
Title: Multilocular cystic thymoma - a case report_
Authors: Stanković, Vesna  ; Mitrović, Slobodanka  ; Milisavljević, Slobodan  ; Mrvić, Stanko; Goran, Azanjac
Issue Date: 2008
Publication: Virchows Archiv - eds. C.L.Berry, G. Seifert
ISSN: 0945-6317 Virchows Archiv
Publisher: Berlin : Springer-Verlag
Type: Conference Paper
Collation: br. Vol. 452 str. S238
WoS-ID: 000256192600553
VBS COBISS: 1025242549
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