
eNauka >  Results >  Advanced approach to biomechanical and functional tissue properties - new disign of applied hardware and software - nov dizajn primenjenog hardvera i softvera
Title: Advanced approach to biomechanical and functional tissue properties - new disign of applied hardware and software - nov dizajn primenjenog hardvera i softvera
Authors: Pantović, Suzana  ; Rosić, Gvozden  ; Rosić, Mirko ; Radosavljević, Milovan; Kojić, Miloš; Milovanović, Jasmina  ; Tomić-Lučić, Aleksandra  ; Radovanović, Milan  ; Zdravković, Vladimir  
Issue Date: 2005
Publication: Medicus
ISSN: 1450-7994
Publisher: Kragujevac : [Medicinski fakultet]
Type: Article
Collation: vol. 6 br. no. 1 str. 18-20
VBS COBISS: 513917333
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