
еНаука >  Резултати >  1. How "Belt & Road" Influences China-CEE Relations? - Opportunities and Challenges - A New Opening Stage of "Belt & Road" Initiative, Polish Institute of International Affairs, China-CEEC Think Tanks Network (CASS) and the Chinese Embassy in Poland, Warsaw, September 14th 2017.
Назив: 1. How "Belt & Road" Influences China-CEE Relations? - Opportunities and Challenges - A New Opening Stage of "Belt & Road" Initiative, Polish Institute of International Affairs, China-CEEC Think Tanks Network (CASS) and the Chinese Embassy in Poland, Warsaw, September 14th 2017.
Аутори: Mitrović, Dragana  
Година: 2017
Издавач: Warsaw : Polish Institute of International Affairs, China-CEEC Think Tanks Network (CASS) and the Chinese Embassy in Poland
Тип резултата: Остало
VBS COBISS: 518399319
URI: https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/sr/sr/bib/518399319#izum.si
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