
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Psychological reactions of cancer patients: Thoughts, feelings, behavior, and body reactions of patients faced with diagnosis of cancer
Naziv: Psychological reactions of cancer patients: Thoughts, feelings, behavior, and body reactions of patients faced with diagnosis of cancer
Autori: Klikovac, Tamara  ; Đurđević, Ana
Godina: 2009
Publikacija: Archive of Oncology - editor in chief Vladimir V. Baltić
ISSN: 0354-7310 Archive of oncology Pretraži identifikator
Izdavač: Sremska Kamenica : Institute of Oncology
Tip rezultata: Konferencijski rad
Kolacija: vol. 17 br. Supp. 2 str. 18
VBS COBISS: 521670807
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