
eNauka >  Results >  Economic diversification policies & institutions supporting rural tourism in Serbia
Title: Economic diversification policies & institutions supporting rural tourism in Serbia
Authors: S. Đorđević-Milošević  
Issue Date: 2020
Publication: Economic diversification policies and rural tourism in South East Europe
Publisher: Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in SEE (SWG) Blvd. Goce Delčev 18, MRTV Building, 12th floor, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Support to Economic Diversification of Rural Areas in South East Europe (SEDRA), Antonie Grubišič 5, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Type: Book parts
ISBN: 978-608-4760-35-1 Search Idenfier
Collation: str. 273-325
URL: Economic diversification policies and rural tourism in South East Europe
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