
еНаука >  Резултати >  Bridging the regional divide through sustainable tourism development – Case study of Serbia, 1 st IIPT European conference ''Bridging the North – South Divide through Sustainable Tourism Development'', Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Назив: Bridging the regional divide through sustainable tourism development – Case study of Serbia, 1 st IIPT European conference ''Bridging the North – South Divide through Sustainable Tourism Development'', Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Аутори: J. Popesku
Година: 2008
Публикација: 1 st IIPT European conference ''Bridging the North – South Divide through Sustainable Tourism Development'', Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Тип резултата: Конференцијски рад
URI: http://ezaposleni.singidunum.ac.rs/rest/sciNaucniRezultati/oai/record/1/1566
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