
eNauka >  Results >  Conventional troponin I measurements in ischemic heart failure - how often we use the test?
Title: Conventional troponin I measurements in ischemic heart failure - how often we use the test?
Authors: Irić-Ćupić, Violeta  ; Milanov, Srđan; Davidović, Goran  ; Simić, Ivan  ; Vučić, Rada
Issue Date: 2014
Publication: European journal of heart failure
ISSN: 1388-9842 European Journal of Heart Failure
Publisher: Tokyo [etc.] : Elsevier
Type: Conference Paper
Collation: vol. 16 br. Issue 2 Supplement: Abstracts of the Heart Failure Congress str. 171
WoS-ID: 000335966800587
VBS COBISS: 513623388
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