
еНаука >  Резултати >  Effects of different silvicultural strategies on the rehabilitation of the consequences of oak stand devitalisation on the example of permanent sample plots
Назив: Effects of different silvicultural strategies on the rehabilitation of the consequences of oak stand devitalisation on the example of permanent sample plots
Аутори: Bobinac, Martin  ; Andrašev, Siniša  
Година: 2006
Публикација: Abstracts - IUFRO Conference, Project 1.01.06 Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks Project 2.08.05 Genetics of Quercus, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Wisconsin, USA, September 24-27, 2006
Издавач: [s. l.] : IUFRO
Тип резултата: Конференцијски рад
Колација: str. 42
VBS COBISS: 513655452
URI: https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/sr/sr/bib/513655452#izum.si
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