
еНаука >  Резултати >  Estimation of yield potential of local wheat landraces with NDVI, flag leaf area and chlorophyll content
Назив: Estimation of yield potential of local wheat landraces with NDVI, flag leaf area and chlorophyll content
Аутори: Mikić, Sanja  ; Takač, Verica  ; Brbaklić, Ljiljana  ; Mirosavljević, Milan  ; Trajković, Dušan; Buha, Nataša; Šumaruna, Maja  
Година: 2023
Публикација: Book of Abstracts, 12th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2023", 24-26 May 2023, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Издавач: Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
Тип резултата: Конференцијски рад
ISBN: 978-99938-93-88-2 Претражи идентификатор
Колација: str. 81-82
URI: http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3760
Пројекат: FAO project: Redesigning the exploitation of small grains genetic resources towards increased sustainability of grain-value chain and improved farmers’ livelihoods in Serbia and Bulgaria – GRAINEFIT; 2019-2022
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