
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Bacterial isolates from cerebro-spinal fluid at Bacteriology Laboratory of Institute for Infectious and Tropical Diseases of Clinical Center of Serbia in the period 2001-2008
Naziv: Bacterial isolates from cerebro-spinal fluid at Bacteriology Laboratory of Institute for Infectious and Tropical Diseases of Clinical Center of Serbia in the period 2001-2008
Autori: Stošović, Branka; Tošić, Tanja O.; Jovanović, Milica M.  ; Dulović, Olga; Milošević, Branko B.  ; Stevanović, Goran D.  ; Lavadinović, Lidija S.; Pelemiš, Mijomir R.
Godina: 2009
Publikacija: Tropical medicine & international health (Abstracts of the 6th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health and 1st Mediterranean Conference on Migration and Travel Health, Verona, Italy, 6-10 September 2009)
ISSN: 1360-2276 Tropical Medicine and International Health Pretraži identifikator
Izdavač: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific Publications
Tip rezultata: Konferencijski rad
Kolacija: vol. 14 br. Suppl 2 str. 174-174
WoS-ID: 000269264000487
Izvor metapodataka: (Preuzeto iz Nasi u WoS)
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