
eNauka >  Results >  Airborne Emissions from Agricultural Biomass Combustion in the City of Novi Sad
Title: Airborne Emissions from Agricultural Biomass Combustion in the City of Novi Sad
Authors: Nesterovic, Aleksandar  ; Djatkov, Djordje  ; Viskovic, Miodrag  ; Martinov, Milan 
Issue Date: 2021
Publication: Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering (ATAE)
ISSN: 1848-4425 Search Idenfier
Publisher: Zagreb (Hrvatska): Agroekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Type: Conference Paper
Collation: vol. 48 str. 473-482
WoS-ID: 000664133000050
Metadata source: (Preuzeto iz Nasi u WoS)
Note: verifikacija na osnovu nepotpunog uvida u rad
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