
eNauka >  Results >  3D Printing Large Scale Curved Forms Using Heat Formed Coral Reef Tiles
Title: 3D Printing Large Scale Curved Forms Using Heat Formed Coral Reef Tiles
Authors: Jovanović, Marko  ; Vučić, Marko P.  ; Štulić, Radovan  ; Petrovic, Maja  
Issue Date: 2021
Publication: International Scientific Conference on Geometry and Graphics, moNGeomatrija (8; 2021; Belgrade)
Publisher: Belgrade : Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 978-86-6060-086-0 Search Idenfier
Collation: str. 143-154
Metadata source: (Preuzeto iz ORCID-a) Petrović, Maja
Note: verifikacija na osnovu nepotpunog uvida u rad
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