
eNauka >  Results >  Covid-19 Challenges: Architecture of Pandemics, Online Student Workshop [Special Mention at ON Architecture 2020 Exhibition]
Title: Covid-19 Challenges: Architecture of Pandemics, Online Student Workshop [Special Mention at ON Architecture 2020 Exhibition]
Authors: Đorđević, Aleksandra  ; Bugarski, Jovana  ; Pešić, Mladen  ; Zorić, Ana  ; Kostić, Miloš; Todorović, Dejan  ; Josifovski, Andrej  ; Milovanović, Aleksandra  ; Sokolović, Neda  
Issue Date: 2020
Publication: Learning architecture : exhibition book / [Eight International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade
Publisher: Belgrade: STRAND – Sustainable Urban Society Association
Type: Arch works
ISBN: 978-86-89111-22-4 Search Idenfier
Collation: str. 28-28
Project: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, Ugovor br. 200090 (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Arhitektonski fakultet)
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