
еНаука >  Резултати >  Crystal, canopy and line [BAB 2021]
Title: Crystal, canopy and line [BAB 2021]
Authors: Todorović, Dejan  ; Zorić, Ana  ; Kostić, Miloš; Đorđević, Aleksandra  ; Živković, Irina
Issue Date: 2021
Publication: Iconic nomads in global village : exhibition catalogue / 5th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2021, Balkan Cinema 8. 12. 2021 -16. 12. 2021., Belgrade
Publisher: Belgrade: Balkan architectural biennale
Type: Arch works
ISBN: 978-86-916755-6-1 Search Idenfier
Collation: str. 131-131
Mp. category will be shown later

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