
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Toward becoming a “math-person”: Relationship between achievement emotions, personal beliefs, and mathematics identity
Naziv: Toward becoming a “math-person”: Relationship between achievement emotions, personal beliefs, and mathematics identity
Autori: Blazanin, Barbara  ; Radisic, Jelena; Krstic, Ksenija  
Godina: 2023
Publikacija: Psihologija
ISSN: 0048-5705 Psihologija Pretraži identifikator
Tip rezultata: Naučni članak
Kolacija: br. 00 str. 21-21
DOI: 10.2298/PSI221109021B
Izvor metapodataka: (Preuzeto iz CrossRef-a) Krstić, Ksenija
Napomena: This is an early electronic version of the manuscript that has been accepted for publication in Psihologija journal but has not yet been technically prepared for publication. Please note that this is not the final version of the paper as it has yet to be technically prepared for publication and minor changes to the text are possible before the final print. The final version of the article can be subjected to minor changes after proof reading and before the final print. Please cite as Blažanin, B., Radišić, J., & Krstić, K. (2024). Toward Becoming a "Math-Person": Relationship between Achievement Emotions, Personal Beliefs, and Mathematics Identity. Psihologija. Advance online publication.
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