
еНаука >  Резултати >  Impact Assessment of the Development Strategy for the System of Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions in the Republic of Serbia until 2020 (in relation to the Recommendations in the Screening Report for Chapter 23 and Interim Benchmarks set out in the EU Common Position)
Назив Impact Assessment of the Development Strategy for the System of Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions in the Republic of Serbia until 2020 (in relation to the Recommendations in the Screening Report for Chapter 23 and Interim Benchmarks set out in the EU Common Position)
Аутори: Kolaković-Bojović, Milica  
Година: 2020
Публикација: Impact Assessment of the Development Strategy for the System of Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions in the Republic of Serbia until 2020 (in relation to the Recommendations in the Screening Report for Chapter 23 and Interim Benchmarks set out in the EU Common Position)
Издавач: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research
Тип резултата: Остало
URI: http://institutecsr.iksi.ac.rs/342/
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