
еНаука >  Резултати >  Organic sunflower honey from the area of Banat (northeastern Serbia) - physicochemical and microbiological characterizations
Назив Organic sunflower honey from the area of Banat (northeastern Serbia) - physicochemical and microbiological characterizations
Аутори: Žugić Petrović, Tanja; Mladenović, Katarina; Grujović, Mirjana; Kolašinac, Stefan  ; Orović, Dragan
Година: 2022
Публикација: 14th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions
Издавач: Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš
Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Belgrade
Тип резултата: Конференцијски рад
ISBN: 978-86-6275-140-9
Колација: str. 111-111
URI: https://enauka.gov.rs/handle/123456789/865579
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