
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Assessment of the internationalisation at home of the higher education in toxicology
Naziv: Assessment of the internationalisation at home of the higher education in toxicology
Autori: Esteban, Javier; Durgo, Ksenija; Ćurčić, Marijana; Çakmak, Gonca
Godina: 2023
Publikacija: 13th international congress of the Serbian society of toxicology & 1st toxSEE regional conference, 10-12 May, 2023, Belgrade, Abstract Book
Izdavač: Udruženje toksikologa Srbije
Tip rezultata: Konferencijski rad
ISBN: 978-86-917867-3-1 Pretraži identifikator
Kolacija: str. 100-101
Projekat: This project was funded by the Vice Rectorate for International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH-PRODIC 2022).
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