
eNauka >  Rezultati >  Information and communication technologies-supported work from home. NEW TRENDS IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION
Naziv: Information and communication technologies-supported work from home. NEW TRENDS IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION
Autori: Ilić, Milena  ; GAVRILOVIĆ P; POPOVIĆ ŠEVIĆ Nevenka  ; SLIJEPČEVIĆ Milica  
Godina: 2022
Publikacija: NEW TRENDS IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION : monograph / - Belgrade : University “Union - Nikola Tesla”, Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering : University “Union - Nikola Tesla”, Faculty of Business Studies and Law. ISBN - 978-86-81400-56-2
Tip rezultata: Monografija
ISBN: 978-86-81400-56-2 Pretraži identifikator
VBS COBISS 61941769
Izvor metapodataka: (Preuzeto iz ORCID-a) Ilić, Milena
Napomena: "GAVRILOVIĆ P, POPOVIĆ ŠEVIĆ N, ILIĆ M, SLIJEPČEVIĆ M, (2022). Information and communication technologies-supported work from home. NEW TRENDS IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION : monograph / - Belgrade : University “Union - Nikola Tesla”, Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering : University “Union - Nikola Tesla”, Faculty of Business Studies and Law. ISBN - 978-86-81400-56-2
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