
еНаука >  Резултати >  Urban Renewal Under the Scope of Security Issues" - case study of Belgrade - Gloomy Parts of the City
Назив: Urban Renewal Under the Scope of Security Issues" - case study of Belgrade - Gloomy Parts of the City
Аутори: Vaništa Lazarević, Eva; Keković, Zoran  ; Paraušić, Ana  
Година: 2017
Публикација: Keeping up with Technologies in the Context of Urban and Rural Synergy: Book of Conference Proceedings, Sarajevo, 8th-9th June 2017
Urban Renewal Under the Scope of Security Issues" - case study of Belgrade - Gloomy Parts of the City
Издавач: Arhitektonski fakultet
Тип резултата: Поглавље у монографији
URI: http://institutecsr.iksi.ac.rs/554/
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