
еНаука >  Резултати >  Anomalous EEG Signal Time Series Classification Using Modified Metaheuristic Optimized RNN, Chapter in LNNS Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems: ICCIS 2023: International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems, Springer, volume 969
Назив: Anomalous EEG Signal Time Series Classification Using Modified Metaheuristic Optimized RNN, Chapter in LNNS Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems: ICCIS 2023: International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems, Springer, volume 969
Аутори: N. Bacanin  ; L. Jovanovic; Ana Toskovic  ; M. Zivkovic  ; A. Petrovic  ; M. Antonijevic  
Година: 2024
Публикација: LNNS Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems: ICCIS 2023: International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems, volume 969
Издавач: Springer, Singapore
Тип резултата: Поглавље у монографији
Колација: str. 291-304
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-2082-8_20
WoS-ID: 001289426900020
Scopus-ID: 2-s2.0-85196827875
URI: http://ezaposleni.singidunum.ac.rs/rest/sciNaucniRezultati/oai/record/3/9948
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