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Browsing by Author Paunović-Pantić, Jovana

Showing results 1 to 20 of 44  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2024A bioengineered model for reinnervating the decellularized extracellular matrix of corneal scaffoldsMurtaza, Zoha F.; Abou, Fares Ali; Almuhairi, Fatima; Paunović Jovana  ; Valjarević, Svetlana; Pantić, Igor V  ; Corridon, Peter R.Article
2024A sustainable approach to derive sheep corneal scaffolds from stored slaughterhouse wasteAli, Zehara M.; ...; Shibru, Meklit G.; Vurivi, Hema; ...; Pantić, Igor V.  ; Paunović, Jovana  ; ...; (broj koautora 17)Article
2013Age-related changes in structural complexity of liver tissue architecture: light microscopy fractal analysisPantić, Igor  ; Miloš Basailović; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Pantić, Senka ; Perović, Milan; Miodrag Trajković; Danica Đuričić; Milton PešutConference Paper
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2016Age-related reduction of chromatin fractal dimension in toluidine blue – stained hepatocytesPantić, Igor  ; Petrovic, Danica; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Vučević, Danijela  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana  ; Pantić, Senka Article
2013Age-related reduction of structural complexity in spleen hematopoietic tissue architecture in micePantić, Igor  ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Basta-Jovanović, Gordana ; Perović, Milan; Pantić, Senka ; Milošević, Nebojša  Article
2012Aging Increases Nuclear Chromatin Entropy of Erythroid Precursor Cells in Mice Spleen Hematopoietic TissuePantić, Igor  ; Pantić, Senka ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  Article
2024AI-enhanced EEG signal interpretation: A novel approach using texture analysis with random forestsPaunović-Pantić, Jovana  ; Valjarević, Svetlana; Čumić, Jelena; Pantić, Igor V.  Article
2022Application of fractal and textural analysis in medical physiology, pathophysiology and pathologyPantić, Igor  ; Paunović-Pantić, Jovana  ; Radojević-Škodrić, Sanja  Article
2018Application of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Contemporary Experimental Physiology and Cell Biology ResearchNikolovski, Dubravka; Jeremić, Marta; Paunović-Pantić, Jovana  ; Vučević, Danijela  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana  ; Radojević-Škodrić, Sanja  ; Rakočević, Rastko; Nešić, Dejan  ; Pantić, Igor  Article
2022Artificial intelligence approaches to the biochemistry of oxidative stress: Current state of the artPantić, Igor  ; Paunović, Jovana  ; Pejić, Snežana  ; Drakulić, Dunja  ; Todorović, Ana  ; Stanković, Sanja  ; Vučević, Danijela  ; Čumić, Jelena; Radosavljević, SlobodankaArticle
2024Artificial Intelligence in Chromatin Analysis: A Random Forest Model Enhanced by Fractal and Wavelet FeaturesPantić, Igor V.  ; Paunović-Pantić, Jovana  Article
2023Artificial neural networks in contemporary toxicology researchPantić, Igor V.  ; Paunović, Jovana  ; Čumić, Jelena; Valjarević, Svetlana; Petroianu, Georg A.; Corridon, Peter R.Article
2019Asbestos in illegal construction and its impact on human healthPaunović-Pantić, Jovana D.  ; Vučević, Danijela  Conference Paper
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2017Association between chromatin fractal lacunarity and nuclear envelope circularity in mice hepatocytesPantić, Igor V.  ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana D.  ; Vučević, Danijela B.  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana S.  Conference Paper
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2015Cardiac autonomic dysfunction in patients with gastroesophageal reflux diseaseMilovanović, Branislav  ; Filipović, Branka  ; Mutavdžin, Slavica  ; Zdravković, Marija  ; Gligorijević, Tatjana  ; Paunovic, Jovana  ; Arsic, MarinaArticle
2013Complexity reduction of chromatin architecture in macula densa cells during mouse postnatal developmentPantić, Igor  ; Basta-Jovanović, Gordana ; Starcevic, Vesna; Paunovic, Jovana  ; Suzić, Slavica ; Kojić, Zvezdana  ; Pantić, Senka Article
2014Correlation between fractal and grey level co-occurrence matrix parameters in nuclear structure of toluidine blue - stained thymus cortical lymphocytesPantić, Igor  ; Miloš Basailović  ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  Conference Paper
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2013Correlation of maternal BMI with fetal liver ultrasound measurements in gestational diabetes mellitusMačkić, Mirko; Gojnić Dugalić, Miroslava  ; Stefanović, Tomislav ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Fazlagić, Amira; Pantić, Igor  ; Nejković, Lazar  ; Perović, MilanArticle
2017Effects of metallic nanoparticles on physiological liver functionsPaunović, Jovana D.  ; Vučević, Danijela B.  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana S.  ; Pantić, Senka M. ; Nikolovski, Dubravka; Dugalić. Stefan  ; Pantić, Igor V.  Article
2021Ethical Issues and Spiritual Challenges in End-Of-Life CareVučević, Danijela  ; Pantić, Igor  ; Samardžić, Janko  ; Jorgačević, Bojan  ; Paunović-Pantić, Jovana  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana  Book parts
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