Methodological approach to recovery of damages of the steamlines in thermal power plants and heating plants
Aleksić, Vujadin 

Sensorial and microbiological quality of osmotic dehydrated cabbage
Cvetković, Biljana 

Arsenic content in water from wells in Semberija [2013]
Tamara J. Laketić; Pavlović, Aleksandra N.

Microelements in plants that are traditionally used for the treatment of anemia in the wider region of the Balkan peninsula [2013]
Arsić, Ivana

Pretreatmant of copper secondary raw materials for their metallurgical processing [2013]
Sokić, Miroslav

Separation of dispesed oil using fiber bed coalescer
Šećerov Sokolović, Radmila M. 

Analysis of dependence of dough extensibility on composition of gluten protein subuntis of wheat
Živančev, Dragan 

Uticaj hidratisanih aluminosilikata u prevenciji toksičnih efekata ohratoksina A [2013]
Prvulović, Dejan

Analysis of intentions and attitudes towards Enterpreneurship in Academic Institutions Related to Agro-Food sector in Serbia
Vuković, Andrea 

Investigation of MWF Aerosols [2013]

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