
eNauka >  Results >  Ensemble machine learning as an approach for improvement of classification on very small datasets
Title: Ensemble machine learning as an approach for improvement of classification on very small datasets
Authors: Pavić, Ognjen  ; Dašić, Lazar  ; Tijana Geroski  ; Pirković, Stanojević Marijana  ; Filipović, Nenad  
Issue Date: 2023
Publication: Book of Apstracts - 5th South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (SEECCM2023 ECCOMAS Conference), Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 2023, July 5-7
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 978-86-921243-1-0
Collation: str. 17-17
Metadata source: (Preuzeto iz ORCID-a) Geroski, Tijana
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