
eNauka >  Results >  Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on egg yolk fatty acid profile in laying hens
Title: Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on egg yolk fatty acid profile in laying hens
Authors: Stanisic M  ; Glamočlija, Nataša M.  ; Glišić, Milica A.  ; Bošković, Marija D.  ; Starcevic M  ; Baltic M ; Markovic R  
Issue Date: 2018
Publication: UniFood Conference, October 5-6 2018, University of Belgrade, 210th Anniverrsary
Publisher: University of Belgrade
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 978-86-7522-060-2 Search Idenfier
Collation: vol. n/a
Project: Одабране биолошке опасности за безбедност/квалитет хране анималног порекла и контролне мере од фарме до потрошача
Metadata source: Migracija
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