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Browsing by Author Spirić, Danka

Showing results 1 to 20 of 87  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2017A review of the current situation of aflatoxin M1 in cows milk in Serbia: risk assessment and regulatory aspectsMilićević, Dragan  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Radičević, Tatjana  ; Velebit, Branko  ; Stefanović, Srđan  ; Milojević, Lazar  ; Janković, Saša  Article
2012Absence of banned anabolic steroids and chloramphenicol in Serbian Petrovac SausageBaltić, Tatjana  ; Borović, Branka  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Janković, Vesna V.  ; Lakićević, Brankica Z.  Conference Paper
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2017Aflatoxin M1 in processed milk: Occurrence and seasonal variation with an emphasis on risk assessment of human exposure in SerbiaMilićević, Dragan  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Janković, Saša  ; Velebit, Branko  ; Radičević, Tatjana  ; Petrović, Zoran  ; Stefanović, Srđan  Conference Paper
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2018Aflatoxin M1 in Serbia: A systematic review of occurrence and exposure assessment - an updateMilićević, Dragan  ; Spiric, Danka  ; Jankovic, Sasa  Article
2017Allergen labelling in meat, dairy and cereal products from the Serbian marketSpirić, Danka  ; Nikolić, Dragica M.  ; Ćirić, Jelena  ; Janković, S.  ; Stefanović, S.  ; Janković, V.  ; Teodorović, Vlado Conference Paper
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2013Assesment of Cadmium Intake Associated with Consumption of Animal Originating Food in SerbiaSpirić, Danka  ; Dragica Nikolić  ; Saša Janković  ; Srđan Stefanović  ; Tatjana Radiĉević  ; Zoran Petrović  Conference Paper
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2013Assessment of cadmium intake associated with consumption of animal originating food in SerbiaNikolić, Dragica  ; Janković, Saša  ; Stefanović, Srđan  ; Radičević, Tatjana  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Petrović, Zoran  Conference Paper
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2010Assessment of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish pond ecosystem contaminationAurelija Spirić; Đinović-Stojanović, Jasna  ; Stefanović, Srđan  ; Velebit, Branko  ; Janković, Saša  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Jovanović, Jelena  Conference Paper
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2017Cadmium level in pheasants tissues from Serbia as bioindicator of environmental pollution during 2011-2016Nikolić, Dragica M.  ; Janković, Saša D.  ; Đinović-Stojanović, Jasna G.  ; Stefanović, Srđan M.  ; Radičević, Tatjana M.  ; Spirić, Danka M.  ; Parunović, Nenad R.  Conference Paper
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2013Changes in the proximate and fatty acid composition in carp meat during the semi intensive farmingTrbović, Dejana  ; Marković, Zoran  ; Petronijević, Radivoj  ; Milijašević, Milan  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Vranić, Danijela  ; Spirić, AurelijaArticle
2015Changes of the fatty acid composition and total lipid content in cultured carp (Cyprinos carpio L.) corelated to supplimentary dietDjordjevic, Vesna Ž.  ; Trbović, Dejana  ; Marković, Zoran; Petronijević, Radivoj  ; Stefan Čanak; Spirić, Danka  ; Spirić, Aurelija Conference Paper
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2015Changes Of The Fatty Acid Composition And Total Lipid Content In Cultured Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) Correlated To Supplementary DietTrbović, Dejana  ; Marković, Zoran  ; Petronijević, Radivoj  ; Čanak, Stevan  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Djordjević, Vesna  ; Spirić, Aurelija Conference Paper
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2021Cleaning efficiency of feed production lines after production of feedstuffs with coccidiostatsJanković, Saša  ; Radičević, Tatjana; Stefanović, Srđan  ; Tanković, Sanin; Đinović-Stojanović, Jasna  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Nikolić, DragicaConference Paper
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2017Coccidiostats in unmedicated feedingstuffs for poultryRadičević, Tatjana  ; Janković, Saša  ; Stefanović, Srđan  ; Nikolić, Dragica  ; Đinović-Stojanović, Jasna  ; Spirić, Danka  Conference Paper
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2013Comparative mycological analysis of spices used in meat industryJanković, Vesna  ; Borović, Branka  ; Velebit, Branko  ; Mitrović, Radmila  ; Lakićević, Brankica  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Baltić, Tatjana  Article
2013Comparative Mycological Analysis of Spices Used in Meat IndustryJanković, Vesna V.  ; Lakićević, Brankica  ; Borović, Branka  ; VELEBIT, BRANKO  ; Mitrović, Radmila R.  ; Spirić, Danka M.  ; Baltić, Tatjana M.  Conference Paper
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2013Comparative Mycological Analysis of Spices Used in Meat Industry, Meat ProductsSpirić, Danka  ; Vesna Janković  ; Branka Borović  ; Branko Velebit  ; Radmila Mitrović  ; Brankica Lakićević  ; Tatjana Baltić  Conference Paper
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2015Comparison of two analytical methods (ELISA and LC-MS/MS) for determination of aflatoxin B-1 in corn and aflatoxin M-1 in milkStefanović, Srđan  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Petronijević, Radivoj  ; Nedeljković-Trailović, Jelena  ; Milićević, Dragan  ; Nikolić, Dragica M.  ; Janković, Saša  Conference Paper
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2015Comparison of two analytical methods (ELISA and LC-MS/MS) for determination of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M1 in milkSpirić, Danka  ; Srdjan Stefanovic; Radivoj Petronijevic; Jelena Nedeljkovic Trailovic; Dragan Milicevic; Dragica Nikolic; Sasa JankovicConference Paper
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2012Comparisson Study of Histamine Analysis in Fish Products using HPLC and ELISA MethodsJanković, Vesna  ; Spirić, Danka  ; Stefanović, Srđan  ; Petronijević, Radivoj  ; Nikolić, Dragica  ; Janković, Saša  ; Borović, Branka  Conference Paper
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